TDA2030A or TDA2030 is a well used class AB audio amplifier IC. TDA2030A amplifier circuit is mostly used in nowadays home theatre systems for it’s some good features.
- Small size IC(package PENTAWATT V, almost size of regular TO220)
- Maximum voltage range (upto 44Volts Vs MAx)
- Very low harmonic and cross-over distortion
- Suited for more reliable applications without regulated supply
- Up to 35 Watts RMS driver output
- Thermal shutdown protection
TDA2030A Amplifier Circuit diagram
This amplifier circuit require less external components too, making it easier for a beginner to make this on Veroboard or Perf Board.
The original circuit I got from it’s datasheet. A little modified circuit below,
Power supply for TDA2030A amplifier circuit
This can be operated with single supply line, but that topology gives less output power, hence this bi-voltage topology is used everywhere.
We need to provide +/- 12V to it. We can easily get +12V and -12V from a 12-0-12 CT step down transformer.
As this IC doesn’t require regulated supply, we can feed voltage directly to the TDA2030 amplifier from a rectifier with just a capacitor.
The filter capacitor is usually 1000 uF to 2200 uF, we can use even bigger capacitor for better results.
Well, the IC costs around 25 rupees, and together with all other materials as PCB, other parts the cost of final board doesn’t exceed 70-75 rupees.
hi sir i have 2030 4.1 hometheater kit but when use it with 2 amp transformer 12-0-12 and cooling fan installed in but on full volume fan speed decreaes . so now i installed 5 amp 12-0-12 transformer but now my capacitors getting burned. so I don't know what to do...??? plz help to sovle this and reply i am waiting for you...My email
Use 3300uF,25V capacitors.
hi sir , i used 12-0-12 transformer with rectifier and capacitor 3300uf /35volt and it gives output of 19.45volt /-19.45volt
i want + - 18 volt supply of 2A current , please help me ,what can i do for that
A TDA2030A amplifier can withstand 19.45 volt, it should be fine.
You can also use two 1N5408 diodes in series to create a voltage drop of around 1.4 V, you need total 4 diodes.
Send me a TDA2030 2.1 channel PCB design circuit print.
My email id devileater3@gmail
can I power d cut by my monitor power rating 12v 2A. (transformles)
Send me a TDA2030 2.1 channel PCB design circuit print.
My email id
Sir i need help. can you help me?.. I have a non working 4.1 home theatre amplifier. The control side of the system is not working but the amplifier side is fine. But all wires are disconnected. How can i reuse it to make a simple amplifier which could drive speakers provided with the set. Could you assist me in facebook ??
It's difficult to say anything without inspecting your amplifier circuit.
Try to identify the input wires, power supply wires and output wires first.
Can you assist me on facebook?
Send me a TDA2030 2.1 channel PCB design circuit print.
My email id
Send me a TDA2030 2.1 channel PCB design circuit print.
My email id
Sir PCB design and components detail
Hi sir tda2030 2.1 circuit diagram pls send me my mail id
Sir i need help.
FLB 2358 13AAZ Mounted on PCB. These IC not available in market.
What is a substitute IC for above. Home theater is 5.1 channel remote based/key(both) audio control.
Hi sir. I Just brought a TDA2030 home theater kit. But I'm confused with input and the volume and bass control pots. And I also want to know how to connect a treble control to it??? So can you please help me Solving these issues?
Hi sir, I have a Clarion 4.1 channel home theater model no clr 1800. But now it's not working condition so I brought a samcon 2.1/4.1 TDA2030 home theater kit. But I am confused with input and volume, treble and bass control pot, so can you please help me solving this problem?
Hi sir. I Just brought a TDA2030 home theater kit. But I'm confused with input and the volume and bass control pots. And I also want to know how to connect a treble control to it??? So can you please help me Solving these issues? Plz
Sir, i have a 2.1 tda2030a subwoofer amplifier circuit when i connect it with 12V 2A transformer, the transformer overheating, and when connect subwoofer the circuit is power off/on automatically. Plz help me.i am waiting for your reply. My Gmail id is-
May be tda2030 ic is shorted
What happen next,
if i change the 25v 2200uf capacitors with 35v 3300uf.
Is it improves sound quality and bass frequency ?
Is it damages the cercuit board or IC
No, the sound quality will be more or less same.
But the buss of this tda2030a amplifier circuit will be more stable, I hope.
Sir its my to make circuit. I have no idea on circuit, what is KE,E RESISTOR
kE means kilo ohm, 1000 ohm and E means just Ohm, 1E = 1Ohm, 22kE = 22,000 Ohm.
Hope that helps.
I made tda 2030 ic audio amp circuit. And use 4.7uf(63volt) capacitor for audio coupling but the out put sound is not stable and need much input audio voltage. What is the problem ? Can i use 10uf(25volt) cap ?